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In the unfortunate event that you become unable to work for an extended period of time and are covered under a disability insurance policy, you may find that filing a claim can be a very complicated and frustrating. It’s even more complicated and frustrating if an insurance company denies your claim. The last thing you should have to worry about is fighting an insurance company over your disability insurance claim.
The insurance company or administrator will require you to submit lengthy and confusing applications and forms. Further, the adjuster might require your treating physician to complete a “Attending Physicians Statement” and will probably demand that you gather and provide all of your medical records. You will also usually have to apply for Social Security benefits. Some of this is geared toward building a case to deny your claim and some of it is geared toward developing an offset so that the plan can subtract those monies from your monthly check. If you look closely at your policy, you will almost always find a provision allowing for an offset for “other income.”
If you are making a claim for disability benefits provided through your employer, your claim is almost certainly controlled by the law of ERISA (Employee Retirement Income and Security Act). ERISA is a federal law that started with noble intentions, but has turned into bad law for claimants. Over the years, the law has developed so that the decision to deny or terminate benefits is given great deference by the courts. That is why having a lawyer to help you through the process is so important. You have to provide the right evidence to the adjuster and an attorney can help you plan your strategy.
If you are applying for disability benefits pension benefits, life insurance benefits, or your claim has been denied, call for your free consultation today or send John Dupree an e-mail via the online contact form. Let us know what your problem may be and Mr. Dupree will respond to your e-mail promptly.
Mr. Dupree has devoted himself to helping people overcome the difficulties encountered when seeking disability benefits through an insurance company. Mr. Dupree normally works on a contingency basis – this means that he only gets paid if you are awarded benefits.
Feel free to reach out with any inquiries and we will get back to you as soon as possible, we are here to help!
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